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CSRSociety Contribution

Contributions of Love's Kimchi(2011)

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인사총무관리자 2017-12-30 15:49

Contributions of Love

The company held a Kimchi making event on Nov. 26 with about 100 employees attending at its cafeteria. Employees who participated in making Kimchi were divided into 6 groups, mixed with kimchi, and wrapped.

Kimchi such as 1000 heads of cabbage, 240 boxes of kimchi (approximately 1800kg) is used by the Buyonghoe, Multicultural family support center, and Yangsan City

The center provides volunteer services to needy neighbors such as living alone (senior citizens, severely disabled people, and to households with the fathers of girls).

The company has decided to continue to provide various volunteer activities for the underprivileged in the region.